A cross section of leading private companies building
Web development tools.
CEO: Kent Godfrey
San Francisco, California
Founded: 1995
Employees: 20
Market/product Builds software for recording, managing,
and reporting Web site activity. Product allows users to generate detailed
graphical reports on the activity of a particualr Web site, Web page, content
element, advertising banner, user profile, or visit profile. Aria World
Wide Web Recording and Reporting System slated for release in November.
Customers include Sun, Acclaim, Hollywood Online, Adobe, NewMedia
Magazine, and Qualcomm (a beta customer). Competes with Net.Genesis and
Finance/strategy Expects profitability in 1997.
Backed by SoftBank, Draper International, and Platinum Venture Partners.
First round in March raised $1.2 million. Expects another round of funding
of $3 or $4 million this October. Seeking additional strategic relationships.
Strategic relationships with K2 Design and Vignette.